All posts by finnzi

Red Hat on Oracle Enterprise Linux

Howdy all,

I’ve met up with some people from Red Hat in the past years due to my work. Few times the subject of Oracle Enterprise Linux has come up. They keep telling me it is built from CentOS sources and therefor lags way way behind RHEL on security updates etc.

As much as I hate the idea of Oracle Enterprise Linux I hate lying more. Oracle Enterprise Linux was at first built from CentOS sources, back when OEL first came out. Since then quite a few things have changed…..and one of them is that Oracle seems to be building stuff right from Red Hat sources now ;-).

Red Hat: Stop lying to customers when bashing Oracle and just keep on making a quality product !


Hyper-V 3.0: Interesting new things !


Recently I have had the chance to start working with Hyper-V (still not a lot). As a VMware veteran I find this very interesting since the changes in the 2012 (3.0) release are quite impressive and if they work as advertised VMware and other virtualization players might have a problem on there hands !

I especially like the Powershell Cmdlets which make the platform quite powerful (yes, yes I know VMware and the other players have those features as well).

However VMware still has the lead when you look at the management interface. I don’t know what it is, but the vSphere interface is truly awesome.

It will be interesting to see how Hyper-V will move along and if all the features work as expected 🙂


Happy new year !


Well, 2013 has decided to show up. Happy new year to everybody !

My holiday did not exactly go as planned. It started with me going to my hometown for 4 days (22-26. Dec) with my son to spend the Christmas with my parents. I had to work on the 27th and the 28th and we were going to drive to the Vest-fjords to meet up with my girlfriend and her family to celebrate the new year with them (she went by air on the 22nd).

But noooooooo ! The almighty weather gods made sure that we would not be able to drive, fly or get there by any other means. It snowed like crazy and the weather got a bit windy as well.

So, we ended up spending our new years eve with my friend, his family and his in-laws. It wasn’t exactly what I had planned for the new year but I cannot complain, his cooking skills are amazing and the company was great 🙂

My girlfriend was not able to get home by plane this evening due to the airport being located in a fjord called Isafjordur. Planes repeatedly have a hard time landing there due to fog and weather conditions. Hopefully she will be able to get home tomorrow morning !

The new job is pretty great, today was the first day that has been quite busy. From the looks of it I am pretty sure that 2013 will be quite busy 😀

Well, so long and thanks for all the fish !


Bye Gnome 3, Hello Cinnamon !

Howdy all!

Few weeks ago I was once again crying about how I do not like Gnome 3 (normal and fallback modes). Once again I went searching for a shoulder to cry on but suddenly remembered reading something about MATE and Cinnamon in some Linux magazine.

Found some screenshot of both and saw that both had some potential to them so I decided to try them both.

Well, to make a long story short I now have Cinnamon configured on my Laptop and Workstation. I love it !

Large shout out to the Cinnamon team, Cinnamon truly rocks ! 🙂


Changes (that time of the year again !)

Howdy all,

Well, about this time last year I changed jobs (leaving one service provider for another).

My work changed from being responsible for a large shared hosting environment with a little bit of consulting on the side to being almost a 100% consultant. For a while it was quite fun, got to work with some of my old favorites (Checkpoint firewalls etc..) and other interesting things. But being the operations person that I am I knew that this would not keep my mind busy for too long. So after spending some time thinking about what I wanted to do right now I decided to find a job at an enterprise (not working for a service provider for the first time since I started doing IT back in 1999:))

I will start there in about 2-3 weeks. Cannot wait !

In other news I managed to reach the age of 30 ! Had some friends over last Friday night to celebrate/cry with me. Haven’t had this much fun for a while :).


Fedora 17 – Preupgrade works like a charm :-)

Howdy all,

Decided to update my home workstation to Fedora 17 this evening. Ran the upgrade with the preupgrade tool and everything worked out of the box 🙂

There were some changes due to the migration to upstart so autofs did not start after the upgrade but except from that problem everything worked fine! Grats to the Fedora team for another quality release.

Everything looks pretty similar to the Fedora 16 release except for small details here and there. I was a heavy Gnome 2.x user and was pretty upset when the first Gnome 3 release came out…found the interface changes to be terrible but after checking out some alternatives I always ended up back with Gnome. Love it today and hope the Gnome team keeps up the good work.

I might do a clean install later on and try out btrfs….it seems to be developing into a very capable filesystem.



Howdy all,

I have been thinking abut what tablet to get for some time. The Android onces seem fine, good hardware etc. However I have had a Samsung Galaxy S2 for some time and it has been giving me loads of problems. Those mostly seem to be around buggy software so I decided to go for an iPad.

I am writing this on my brand new iPad 3 and so far I must say that I do not think I made a mistake. As someone who has never owned a iOS device I was very happy with how all the interface seems consistent (as in Android it is most of the time extremely fragmented) and everything seems to just work out of the box.

Only time will tell if I will regret this decision but so far I am happy 🙂

Around two years ago when Apple was announcing the iPad I thought this form of computing would not catch on. I thought about this when I was wondering if I would get a tablet or not but tablets seem to have there place in the computing world. After around 24 hours of use I find that when watching TV I really find that i rather reach out for the tablet then my laptop *so far*.

Well, let’s see if I will call foul after a month 🙂
